• Nothing has disrupted the New Orleans wedding industry like the coronavirus since Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
  • New Orleans began reopening in mid-May, but musicians, planners, and decorators are still completely out of work.
  • One couple had to postpone their wedding twice because of the virus, and they told Business Insider Today that they still don’t know if their wedding will happen on the 2021 date they have planned.
  • As a result of the rescheduling, those who work in the industry won’t make any money in 2020, leaving them uncertain of their futures.
  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

New Orleans is one of the top wedding destinations in the US, with couples from all over the country making their nuptials a pilgrimage to the Big Easy.

Foto: A wedding in New Orleans. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

As is a tradition in the city, newlywed couples dance through the streets of the French Quarter with their wedding guests in second-line parades, filled with live music and dancing.

But the normally lively scenes of the French Quarter were barren during the spring of 2020 as a result of the coronavirus.

Foto: New Orleans in the spring of 2020. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

The city went under lockdown on March 20, and although it began reopening in mid-May, the streets are still empty as it’s unsafe for large groups to gather.

The pandemic has left people like musician Ben Schenck unemployed and unsure of their futures.

Foto: Ben Schenck is a New Orleans-based musician. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

Musicians, wedding planners, event coordinators, and countless others in the field are at a standstill.

“Except for Katrina, we’d been working steady right up until March 14. But there’s nowhere you can go from this,” Schenck told Business Insider Today.

Foto: The wedding industry in New Orleans hasn’t been disrupted like this since Hurricane Katrina. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

“There’s nowhere it’s not happening,” he said. “Not like a hurricane. There’s no way to really plan for the future right now.”

Couples planning their weddings are at just as much of a standstill.

Foto: Stephanie Ezcurra and Matt Williams had to postpone their wedding. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

Stephanie Ezcurra and Matt Williams have been planning their wedding for two years, which made having to postpone even more difficult.

They originally postponed their wedding to August, but they had to push it again to March 2021.

Foto: The couple had to postpone their wedding twice. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

"Less than three weeks out, and we had to make a decision really quickly and then change absolutely everything about our wedding quickly," Ezcurra told Business Insider Today. "It was not an easy thing to do even though it was the right thing to do."

Ezcurra and Williams are keeping their wedding decorations in a storage unit until they're able to have the event they've been dreaming of.

Foto: The couple can't use their party favors. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

The couple has dozens of party favors with their original wedding date on them that they're hoping they can find a way to use.

"Am I ever going to have the wedding that I plan?" Ezcurra asks herself amid the uncertainty of the pandemic.

Foto: Engaged couples don't know what to do about their weddings. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

"Should I just scrap the whole thing now and we have a small wedding with just family?" she said. "There's just a lot of uncertainty. And there's just no right decision because nobody knows what the future holds."

Some couples are choosing to do just that, with Zoom weddings occurring all over the country.

Foto: Virtual weddings are becoming popular. Source: Reuters

For couples that would rather just be married and not have to wait, a virtual ceremony makes sense.

But many are left feeling like it can't replace the in-person ceremony they're hoping for.

Elyse Jennings, a wedding planner, told Business Insider Today she's wrestling with the uncertainty while trying to think of ways to accommodate her clients during the pandemic.

Foto: Elyse Jennings is trying to plan weddings amid the pandemic. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

Jennings is considering measures such as hiring nurses to stand at the door of her receptions to check people's temperatures, but she still doesn't know if that will be enough.

Twenty of her spring clients have already postponed their weddings to the fall or spring of next year, and they're asking to put pandemic clauses into their contracts to protect them if the virus makes it so they have to put their weddings off again.

"We're probably more unsure now than we were for the May weddings, the June weddings, where we knew we were still going to be in this in some way, shape, or form," Jennings told Business Insider Today.

And the uncertainty is costing people like Jennings thousands of dollars.

Foto: Professionals in the wedding industry are losing thousands of dollars. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

"If we move this fall to next spring, that means next fall we have no new bookings, no new weddings," Jennings said. "Everything is just kind of rolling over in expense, which means we make less this year, we make less next year and don't have the opportunity to recoup any of that cost."

The decor rental side of the wedding industry is similarly struggling, according to Lisa LaFrance, the co-owner of Luminous Events.

Foto: Decor rentals have stopped. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

LaFrance's business has overhead costs between $25,000 and $30,000 each month, and she has no income coming in at the moment. It's forced her to let go of all five of her employees.

"We're a single income small business here in New Orleans, destination wedding market of the country, and we've lost pretty much 100% of our income for the foreseeable future," she told Business Insider Today.

She added: "It is very scary to look at your calendar and say, 'There is nothing coming in for we don't know how much longer.'"

With their free time, LaFrance and her former staff are delivering meals to local hospital workers.

Foto: Most weddings are being rescheduled. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

"It's just been something to help me kind of take up some of my time and give you a little bit of purpose when the bottom kind of falls out from what you're used to doing every single day," she said.

Sixty-eight of her 75 events in 2020 were rescheduled, but she still feels unsure about the future, particularly as research indicates couples shouldn't be rescheduling their weddings for 2021, as the pandemic likely won't be over.

"What has us all so anxious right now is the fact that we don't really have clear, defined parameters for the event industry and when can we start to open up our doors," LaFrance said.

But professionals in the industry remain hopeful the New Orleans industry will come roaring back just like it did after Hurricane Katrina.

Foto: The city is hopeful New Orleans will recover. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

"We've seen New Orleans come back picking itself up from the bootstraps and becoming bigger, better than it was before," Jennings said.

And the natives plan on staying loyal to the city they love.

Foto: People will always get married. Source: Nathan Willis/Business Insider

"I think there's always going to be a need for music," Ben Schenck told Business Insider Today. "And that's kind of what I just put my faith in."